How Gym Chalk Can Benefit Your Lifts

How Gym Chalk Can Benefit Your Lifts

You snap back to reality...

Just as you’re about to pick up that weight, you realize your hands are sweaty, the bar’s indented grip doesn’t help a thing, in fact making it worse, scratching against your calluses, barely ripping your hand apart... enter gym chalk...

Imagine for a second that you had the grip of an alligator's jaw. Like a superpower, your grip could go from barely being able to hang on to a 25-pound weight... to gripping a bar loaded with eight plates like its paperweight.

Today, we're diving into a secret weapon that can assist you not only in maintaining grip but also, surprisingly, your mental fortitude—gym chalk.

Before we get into what this really means for you…

Let's take a look at some proof that gym chalk DOES benefit your grip.

The benefits are profound.

Gym chalk, or its fancier, scientific name... Magnesium carbonate, helps dry up your hands and provides better grip on gym equipment, turning your grip into a finely-tuned instrument.

Research backs it too, showing that gym chalk stabilizes friction by drying up your hands, improving skin elasticity and roughness so it can adapt to different surfaces more easily, and giving you a grip that even Hercules would envy!

Studies suggest that using gym chalk can increase performance, with improvements ranging from 16% all the way up to 58%! (Varying in exercise and hand positions, of course.)

So, does this mean it’s 100% All-Good-No-Bad? No… But There’s an Alternative!

Gym Chalk

Studies ALSO indicate that in certain situations, chalk might play hard to get…

Sliding across a polished steel surface? Chalk might decrease your grip. (Odd situation to put yourself into, eh?)

Although from personal opinion the real downside to chalk would be the mess…

Let’s say perhaps you just did the laundry…

You threw on your now favorite brand new hoodie, ready to break out the sweat, but you don’t want to mark it for life with that splatter of white powder across your cuffs that you know will stay there until the next laundry day.

Although that’s what liquid chalk was invented for… No mess, no excuses.

Liquid chalk is as simple as its name. It is composed of the same old magnesium carbonate you’re used to, but with a dash of rubbing alcohol.

Now, you might be wondering… Isn’t the point of gym chalk to dry your hands? Why would you put liquid on them!?

This is where science steps in. Or better yet… magic! Whichever you prefer to call it.

To put it simply… The alcohol reacts with the air, evaporates, and leaves behind just the magnesium carbonate and very dry skin.

But aside from all the geeky talk, let’s move on into some psychological benefits…

All the motivation you need… Gym Chalk.

Gym Chalk

After over two and a half years of iron-pumping adventures, gym chalk has become more than a gym accessory for me.

It's almost a ritual that has not only helped me achieve some crazy lifts but, unexpectedly, helped me change my mindset towards picking some heavy stuff up.

Be it normal powdery chalk or its liquid counterpart, gym chalk still stands as one of the most useful weapons to pull out from your armory.

Besides clearly having a “real-world scientifically-proven” effect on your grip... from personal experience, I can tell it helps not only physically but mentally…

From when you first chalk up to when you brace for the lift, it’s like a talisman, giving you that slight psychological edge that drives you to push yourself.

Not exactly guaranteeing a lift but driving you over the edge, guaranteeing you will push yourself as hard as humanly possible...

Gym chalk seems to be not only the physical backup but the secret sauce to pulling off some insane lifts.

What does this really mean for you?

Gym Chalk

Well, from someone who’s had his fair share of gym chalk experience, being that there are only so many types of gym chalk out there...

If you’re trying to get a better grip on the bar, go for a personal record, and generally feel stronger... Yes, 99% guarantee satisfaction.

If you’re trying to work on your grip, though… Maybe going free-hand on the barbell might benefit you more.

Gym chalk will only enhance your grip on the bar, taking away moisture and sweat and stabilizing friction for greater traction/drag on the bar; it won’t actually make your grip stronger.*

For that, I’d recommend simply having a set of exercises focused on training your forearms and fingers and, therefore, your grip.

So Does Gym Chalk Benefit You?

Gym Chalk

Yes… Simply put… Yes.

Should you use gym chalk? Depends on the situation… 

Got weak grip? Maybe train your forearms and hands a bit before messing with the big boys.

Don’t like the mess of the usual white-cloud gym chalk? Go for the liquid one instead!

With the sole purpose of making gym chalk undeniably useful, liquid chalk stands as one of the best counterparts of gym culture.

So if you’d be interested in learning more about liquid chalk and possibly receiving some hard-hitting motivation pieces for the gym, along with some exclusive opportunities and discounts, sign up here for our newsletter!

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